Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We got the green light....the trip is on!

It has been the longest week for us.....waiting to see the specialist and getting second opinions.  After a visit to the world renowned Lahey Clinic, we have received confirmation that it is okay to travel.  Of course, it is not without risk, but it will take more than a thyroid issue to slow me down!  My hyperthyroid issue has been diagnosed as Graves Disease, an autoimmune disorder where my cells are attacking my thyroid causing it to release too much hormone into my system.  In other words, my metabolism is in overdrive and I am taking a Beta Blocker to slow down my heart and anti thyroid medication to control the release of thyroid hormones which can cause a slew of problems.  Although there is no cure, it is treatable.  For that, I am grateful.  So, the RV is packed and we are ready to go!  Itinerary yet to be determined, but we like it that way.  No reservations, no route.....just destinations and enjoying the journey along the way!  Our first stop is Lake Tahoe, but we hope to swing by and visit our good friends Jon and Elaine in Parker Colorado.  Jon has promised to have John Denver playing as we arrive.  Ah, I can already see the mountains!  Please feel free to follow my blog and enjoy the journey with us.  The countdown is in hours now!  A very special thanks to Jessicah who is on house duty and leaves us with no worries while we are away.  That and our home security system!

Happy Trails!

Laura and Guy

1 comment:

  1. Laura--I will be praying for you! Remember Barbara Bush AND George HW Bush were diagnosed with Graves at around the same time (what are the odds of THAT???) and they are both still going strong at a very advanced age! In fact, since you are being diagnosed so much earlier than they were, you will be able to avoid some of the issues they ran into! Have a terrific trip. Relaxing helps most things! I predict everything will be A-OK just on the basis of the relaxation factor! Bon Voyage! Say Hi to Jon!
