Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day One....Niagara Falls

After much anticipation and preparation we are finally on our way, only to return home at least 3 different times to retreive forgotten items. And less than 12 hours into the trip, I realized I forgot my Passport and had to have that overnighted. (Thank you Jessicah).
  We finally headed out around 8 o'clock pm and Guy drove through most of the night, depositing us in Buffalo NY. Our 34 foot RV which we have lovingly named "Rhonda" faired the trip well. She was excited to be back on the road and let us know with the purr of her engine. Three of our goldens are accompaning us on this 6 week adventure, two of which are just about 4 months old. Cashmere and Zeppelin seem to love to travel and are enjoying the constant companionship. Our two year old "Jubilee" who is recovering from Cruciate surgery is doing well getting up and down the steps despite the ramp we are carrying along for her comfort. First night we slept at a rest stop and are getting familiar with the ways of the truckers who appear to very welcoming.
  Both of us being early risers, we found ourselves at the welcoming center of Niagara Falls just as it opened. As I mentioned previously in the blog, we have no real route or itenirary and enjoy seeing where our travels take us. So, being only 30 minutes away, it seemed silly not to stop and enjoy this beautiful state park in all its glory. Separately, both Guy and I have visited the falls before, but the memories are vague and distant. With inviting blue bird skies, we were ready to explore Americas oldest state park and the model from which all other parks were created. 
  Our first stop.....Cave of the Winds. An elevator ride to the base of the falls followed by a wooden walkway with a series of platforms for "up close and personal" viewing. One of the stops appropriately named "The Hurricane" takes you face to face with the cascading water. Experiencing the high winds and pelting rain truly makes it feel like you are in the midst of a catagory 3 hurricane. Despite the provided water gear, we still got drenched.
Next stop, Maid of the Mist. A 30 minute boat ride that takes you to the base of Horseshoe Falls. The churning waters along with the constant mist of the falls made for an exciting adventure. The scenery was breathtaking!
  A quick jaunt back to the RV to pick up the dogs and we found ourselves wondering through the park and exploring the different islands contained within. The dogs enjoyed frolicking in the calmer waters and cooling themselves. With all the activity and lack of sleep from the previous night, Guy was ready for a nap. Ah, perfect time for me to hit the Casino that I had been eyeing. If you recall, our first RV adventure began at a casino where I won $1265.00! I was hoping to repeat my luck. Guy would be pleased if I would return with what I started with. Well, I am happy to report that I doubled my money which enabled us to have a fancy dinner at the steak house!
  With evening approaching and a beautiful setting sky, we hopped on our bikes and travelled along the many winding roads amongst the park which hug the waters edge where one can enjoy the sound of the fast moving current. A perfect ending to our first day of the journey. Back in the RV, Guy plugged along the highway until the wee hours of the morning, bringing us to our next destination. As I sit here in Ohio writing my first blog of the trip, I am filled with gratitude that Guy and I are able to venture the roads of America. This is a dream come true and we are enjoying making memories of us. Thank you for sharing the ride!


  1. You guys are just natural travelers and adventure happy to follow you on this journey. Love you!

  2. Beautiful pictures Laura! Makes me think an RV trip will be in my future some day! Happy Traveling!
