Monday, July 23, 2012

Muir Woods and the Great Redwoods

The early part of today was more administrative....paying bills, doing laundry, etc....eventhough we are on vacation, the mundane parts of life don't stop.  It's all okay, because the afternoon more than made up for it.  Around 3:00 we headed to Muir Woods about 19 miles from our camp.  A beautiful vista drive through winding roads led us to a small parking lot with a little entrance to a park.  Wow, once inside one would never have imagined what lies within.

Huge, massive, imppressive...and definately the "wow factor" when viewing  these enormous trees.   The aroma of fresh pine reminded me of Christmas.  We strolled miles upon miles through the trails and paths that took us up close and personal with these trees, some of which have been around for thousands of years.  Impressive? Absolutely!  Thank you Jon Muir for advocating and saving these trees which were once abundant all along the coast.  In fact, this area we visited was slated to be logged and he help to prevent that from happening. 

After hours of walking and talking and losing ourselves in the scenery, we took a short drive to Muir Outlook.  A brief walk with stunning views overlooking the pacific ocean.

Along the short walk, we discovered several bunkers which we have seen frequently along the coastline.  A memory of distant times when the U.S. needed to protect itself from foreigners.
Back in the car and contining our drive we came upon Stinson Beach and a quaint little restaurant named Parkside Cafe, where we dined on amazing food.  Bellies full, we strolled the beach hand in hand as we watched the sun leave the sky and Guy got romantic sharing his feelings of me as he scratched a note in the sand.
I am the luckiest girl in the world and love the most amazing man!

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