Friday, June 29, 2012

Travels plans on hold.....

Many of you have been asking....when are you starting your trip, why haven't you been blogging, etc....
Well, there appears to be a bit of a glitch in our travel plans.  It seems I have a thyroid that is not behaving itself.  I was wondering why I could eat cakes and candies and doughnuts and still lose weight and why my nickname had become "the energizer bunny" because I can burn the candle on both ends and still have energy to do more! So after ultrasounds and scans and x-rays I will get my diagnosis on Tuesday, although from the lab work it is looking like I have an over-active thyroid or hyperthyroidism.  Treatment consist of one of the following............ 1. take a pill that slows down the thyroid...but can also cause liver damage.  2. Take radioactive iodine...which will make me glow in the dark  or 3.Surgery to remove my thyroid.  Then of course, I will be on a thyroid supplement the rest of my life.  Seems weird to me....kill the thyroid, then replace with a pill.  At any rate, I have an appointment with the specialist/endocrinologist the following week.  So, we will know at that point what the course of action will be and what our travel plans will consist of.  I am trying to keep an upbeat attitude, but I have to admit, I am very disappointed as the RV is packed and ready to go.  We will still do our "kick-off" at Gillette Stadium, home of the New England Patriots. Guy and Brandon (my son in law) will run a 10 mile race and finish at the 50 yard line followed by a fireworks display in honor of the 4th of July.  Great way to kick off the trip eh?  From there, it will be decided if we can still go cross country or if we need to stay closer to home.  At any rate, I am sure we will make the best of it and find adventure along the way.  Stay tuned.......
P.S.  Prayers are appreciated for an uneventful and speedy recovery.

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