Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Convertible Ride to Monterey and Carmel

Just when you think it can't get any better, my prince suprises me with a convertible for a romantic ride along the Pacific Coast Highway!  My heart was so full of excitement, I thought it might just burst!  Top down, wind blowing through our hair this free-spirited couple was savoring every moment along the 2 hour drive to Monterey and Carmel. The views were stunning!

Our dog Jubilee rode backside and she screamed "this is better than sticking my head out the window!"  She had a smile on her face the entire ride.  Arriving in Monterey, we strolled the streets and ate at Bubba's Shrimp House and enjoyed Forest Gump Trivia.  This was the first time for both of us to eat at this chain of restaurants and was the first one built.  This is where it all started.... We were quite pleased with the food and service.  Back in the car, we took a short ride to Carmel By the Sea, Clint Eastwood's hometown.  Wow!  Wow! Wow!  The sights and scenery were amazing!
The water was an aqua crystal clear blue/green and the sounds of the sea lions barking in the distant was quite charming.  We drove along scenic drive and enjoyed the multi- million dollar homes. Impressive but some homes were a bit "over done" for my taste.  We then took the 17 mile drive along Pebble Beach and the famous golf course.  Guy played out here several years ago....but I am certainly not in that league.  None the less, I enjoyed the course and watching the amazing golfers play.
Pictured above is the Par 3 hole that extends over the ocean. With the high winds, one must select the right club and the shot be made perfectly or lose your ball will to the water. We enjoyed the scenic drive and stopped at nearby beaches along the way.
I am at a loss of words and pictures don't justify the beauty we experienced this day.  It was truly a magical day for us!  We will cherish our time here and it will be hard for us to leave tomorrow.
But we will take with us the beautiful memories and the closeness we shared.

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