Sunday, July 22, 2012

Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in your Hair

Ah, the smell of the ocean greets us as the fog rolls over the Baybridge into San Francisco.  This picturesque scene welcomed us into the city by the bay.  It's everything I have ever heard it to be....and more!  Upon my friend Jon's recommendation, we secured a RV site on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. 
 This is a premium site, and as our luck would have it, someone cancelled just hours prior and now it's ours!  This is the luck that Guy and I have on these really is incredible.  God is guiding our path!  We arrived late in the day, set up the RV and then just absorbed the view that lay before us as the sun left the sky.  Rising early with excitement, we rented a car and began to explore the city.  First stop....the majestic Golden Gate Bridge  We found a spot from which to enjoy an incredible view that not many know about....however, the fog rolled in and all we  could see was white.  So, we moved on but will return.  We found our way to Pier 39...the tourist trap.
  With camera in hand, I fit the bill.  We walked the boardwalk and took in all the sights.  Had lunch at Neptunes overlooking the water and Alcatraz.  Seal lions frolicked in the water below!   With our bellies full, we jumped in the car and headed straight to The Haight-Ashbury district.  I tried to imagine what these streets were like during the 60's and the "Summer of Love". 
 The place remains eclectic and we enjoyed our stroll up and down the street as we "people watched" the residents, viewed a medicinal marjuana shop along with the many "head" shops in the area. Music lined the streets with the many preformers trying to make their way.
  We also visited the former homes of Grateful Dead, Jeffferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin.  For me this was truly an experience as I am a hippie at heart......for Guy, he went along for the ride, but I think he enjoyed the experience none-the-less. We hopped back in the car and began to explore the streets of San Francisco.  We stumbled upon "The Painted Ladies"  A row of victorian homes beautifully cared for and a landmark of this city. 
 We also visited Lombard Street, the most crooked street in America. With it's series of sharp turns, we were thankful to be in a car as the RV would not be able to maneuver the curves.  The views of the city from atop were spectacular.  We continued to explore a bit more before heading back to home base to feed the dogs and stroll the beach. 

 The dogs thoroughly enjoy themselves as they played tug of war with the kelp that littered the beach.  Hungry ourselves, we washed up and headed to The Cliff House for dinner.  Definately an icon in San Fran.  We dined on the waters edge as we watched the California sunset....spectacular!  Back at the RV and exhausted from the days activities, we drifted off to sleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

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