Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Biking the Golden Gate Bridge

We were off to an early start as we have another full day planned.  After a yummy breakfast at a quaint seaside cafe in Pacifica where we are staying, Guy took to the pups to the beach for a run and swim.  The dogs have done amazingly well on this trip and have totally enjoyed the oceanfront lot we have.  Along our walks on the beach, we have found an interesting property worth further investigating.  The house is in need of repairs, but if it can be picked up at the right price, maybe we will be living here.  Guy and I have fallen in love with California and all that this beautiful state has to offer.  I have fallen in love with the food and fresh fruits and vegetables.  In New England, we don't get produce this fresh....and what a difference in taste!!
  Hungry for adventure, Guy and I drove to San Francisco, parked the car at The Fishermans Wharf and boarded our bikes heading for The Golden Gate Bridge.  Another beautiful sunny day but a bit windy.  We rode bayside and stopped along the way to view the beautiful sights and to converse with other tourists we met.  I even got to practice a bit of my German!  As we got closer to the bridge, the wind really picked up and it was all I could do to stay on my bike and forge ahead.
Once on this massive structure, the wind really began to howl. It was exhausting....but we continued on our path.  This suspension bridge has the capability to "sway" 27 feet each way, luckily, we could not feel this.  

After stopping a few times along the way to absorb the breathtaking views, we made it across in one piece!  A bit wind-blown, but in one piece. We then continued our ride into the next town of Sausalito.  A beautiful quaint high scale seaside town adorned with water-side shops and restaurants.  We dined on fresh fish followed by visiting a few shops. Time was limited though as we had to catch the ferry back to San Francisco despite not having a red token (inside joke). 
It was a beautiful site leaving this seaside town.

Back on our bikes, we rode back to Fishermans Wharf, got back in the car to head home and feed the dogs before heading back out to San Francisco to see the Giants vs Padres baseball game.  Instead of driving back to the city we took BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit)  We got a real feel for the city this way and it was a fun experience.
We had great seats and enjoyed the view of this fairly new stadium despite the cooler weather.
It was a wonderful day once again!


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