Saturday, July 14, 2012

Colorado or bust.....

The past two days were mostly driving days through the heartland of America. Scenes of  rolling hills, silos, corn and cows adorned the landscape.  Nebraska and Iowa had  many wind turbines that at first looked out of place. The massive structures with the blades that we saw being transported on the back of semi trucks were huge compared to the way they appeared from a distance.
The two hour time change was to our advantage as it allowed us to drive for 14 hours with only a 12 hour time change on the first of the two days.  We did take time to stretch our legs in South Bend Indiana and visited the campus of Notre Dame...home of the fighting Irish.  Of course, a visit there is not complete without seeing Touchdown Jesus.
Interstate 80 seemed to go on forever..... we spent the night at a rest area that shockingly had RV hookups. (We had been staying at the truck stops previously) It was nice to have all the comforts of home without having to use the generator. In the morning, Guy ran in the farmlands behind the rest area.  Back on the road for what seemed an eternity we could finally see the mountains of Colorado!  The fields were brown and the earth dry.  It was easy to imagine how the fires in the southern part of the state could burn out of control.  We arrived to the home of my 4th grade buddy Jon and his wife Elaine and daughter Haley around 6:30. We were greeted by Jubilee's sister "Aurora" while John Denver played in the back ground. We relaxed on the back porch as we watched the sunset with glass of wine in hand and the dogs played in the backyard.

After a very tasty breakfast, we were back on the road heading along highway 70.  Rhonda faired the high altitude and steep inclines very well as we drove through the mountains.  The scenery was breathtaking!  We were even blessed with a rain storm which added all the more beauty to the mountains.  I swear, I will be living in this state one day soon.  We drove again, most of the day on our way to Lake Tahoe....However, seeing a sign for Moab only 30 miles away, we decided to stay the night and explore The Canyonlands and Arches in the morning.  We truly go where the wind will take us.

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