Thursday, August 2, 2012

Trail Angels on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT)

Leaving Crater Lake National Park and at the crossroad of North and South, I received a text from my dear friend Marit who has been hiking the Pacific Crest Trail since end of April.  Her text reported that they, (she and her friend Mark) would be at Seiad Valley, California around dinner time.  We had hoped to meet up during our travels and have been communicating along the way for the past couple of weeks.  This finally seemed like the right opportunity to support my friends on their hike even though it required a 3 hour ride back south to meet up.  I immediately texted her saying we were on our way!  But, she never received the text as her phone was off to conserve battery life.  Anyway, long story short.....we headed back south along a scenic route along the Kalmath River and enjoyed the view along the way.  We arrived to the trail where she reported she would be, but all we saw were some of their hiking buddies.  On the trail, you acquire a "name" and are no longer known by your birth name.  They reported to me that "Moonwalker" and "Mark Trail" should be on their way soon!  So, we sat and talked to "Last Minute", "Bucket" and a few others about their adventures on the PCT, which runs from Mexico to Canada.  A mother and son team asked if we could take them to the trail head, and we were happy to oblige.  On our way there, I spot two lone hikers on the side of the road.....dirty and tired after their 29 mile hike of the day.  Guy screeches the RV to a halt, and I yell out the window..."wanna ride?"  Moonwalker looked up and to her astonishment, recognizes my face as tears fill her eyes.  Since she never received my text back stating we were coming, she was totally suprised to see us.  I have known Marit since 4th grade....and we were certainly inseparable during our highschool years. It was so wonderful to see her!!  We dropped off the other hiking team and Moonwalker and Mark Trail climbed on board to the short ride back to the campground where we had reserved a spot for the night.  We spoiled them on Steak and fresh veggies...which is nearly impossible to come across on the trail.  Marit and I drank a bottle of wine as Guy and I listened to their adventures.  Amazing stories and pictures they shared with us.  The next morning, chef Guy, prepared an amazing protein filled breakfast and coffee with a "kick". 
Guy and I decided to hike in with them for a couple of miles to properly say our good-byes. 

Two miles seemed nothing to the 1000 that lie ahead for them especially with the 35 pound back pack on their back.  They are on their last leg of California and plan to enter Oregon in the next day.

It was sad to say good-bye and Guy and I stood there as we were in awe of their journey that lies ahead.  They thanked us for being their "trail angels"  A term used for people who help the thru hikers.  Hugs and kisses and we were back on the trail going opposite directions.  Once back to the campsite, we cleared our cubbards of nuts, veggies and other rarities for the hikers and left them in the "hikers box" for future hikers heading this way.  It was a wonderful experience and it was great to connect with my friends.  Talk of hiking the Long Trail, a 232 mile trail through Vermont was discussed for next summer, as well as biking the coast of California and across the U.S.  Who knows....perhaps we will give up the RV next summer for our bikes!
Back on the road.....we were heading back north through central Oregon and the beautiful mountains, hoping to reach Florence, along the coastline for dinner.

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