Thursday, August 2, 2012

Redwood National Park

We continued our drive along the Northern California coastline taking in all this diverse state has to offer.  Giant redwoods on the right, Pacific ocean to our left made for breathtaking scenery.  That word, "breathtaking" is a common thread throughout our travels.  It seems the next place we go is more beautiful than the last, and that just dosen't seem like it could be possible.  Again, this drive had many stops along the way to take in the scenery.  However, our rig was too big to take some of the side roads, unpaved roads and steep switchback trails....Bummer.  However,  we were able to take the Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway which was very similar to Avenue of the Giants.  The 10 mile drive passes right through the heart of the old-growth redwood forest and features a resident herd of Roosevelt Elk.  One lone stag ruled over the herd and we were unable to get close for a picture.  Suffice it to say, he was quite impressive with the rack he carried high and with pride!  We continued our drive along 101, the famous coastal hwy, reaching Jedediah Smith Redwoods state park where we secured one of the last sites for the night.  Ah, a dream come true....sleeping under the giant redwoods! 
This park is the northenmost of the 30 redwood state parks that dot the California coast from Monterey to the Oregon border and one of the most popular, so we feel extremely fortunate to stay for the night.    The Smith River with it grade one rapids and crystal clear warm water flows right alongside the park.  There are many self guided trails that  meander through the redwood groves.  We hopped on our bikes and explored the area before calling it a night, but not before our neighbor spotted a black bear cross through their campsite.  Interestingly enough, we still had a quiet and restful sleep.  Off to an early start, we were back on our way.  But, not before stopping and allowing Jubilee a swim in the crystal clear waters of the river.  This also served the purpose to help rehab her knee.  She is recovering from her surgery amazingly well and we are the ones having to keep her at a slow pace so she doesn't re-injure herself.
It was here where we climbed along the rocks of the shoreline and it was here where I almost placed my hand on a rattlesnake that was sunning itself.  I am still shaking as I write this blog.  Needless to say, I was done with this place and we climbed back in the RV and continued heading north....crossing the border into Oregon.  We found a quaint little restaurant named "Bless My Soul"  where we dined on southern soul food and it was delicious!  A little taste of home for Guy.
We found a RV park right across the street and began to make plans for our visit to Crater Lake.

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